Individual Tax Returns – $200+
Individual Tax returns are prepared and charged by the form. Our minimum fee is $200.00 and our average fee is $350.00. See per form price list.

Self-Employed/Rental Returns: $400+
Price range covers most tax returns with some or all of the following: All forms listed in Basic, Standard and Advanced, plus ONE business (Schedule C – Sole Proprietor or Single Member LLC only), or rental (Schedule E), including Depreciation and Amortization, Section 179 expense, Self Employment tax calculations, Self Employed Health Insurance Deductions, SEP planning and deductions, Estimated Tax calculations for Federal and State, and New Jersey return (including extension if needed). Additional Schedule C or E $65 – $200. Required bookkeeping billed at the hourly rate ($75/hr).

S-Corporation & Partnership Returns: $500+
Price range covers preparation and filing of S-Corporation & Partnership/Multi-Member LLC federal, state, and local tax returns, required K1s to shareholders/members. It does NOT include any required bookkeeping, which will be billed at $75/hr. Preparation & filing of required 1099-MISC forms are billed at standard rates shown below.
1099-MISC/1096: $50+
Includes preparation of forms 1099-MISC and 1096 Information return. First 1099-MISC + 1096 is $50 if we are also preparing your tax return; $100 as a stand-alone service. Additional 1099-MISC forms are $15 each. Cost does not include determining amounts for 1099-MISC forms, which will be charged at an hourly rate if needed. If amended forms are required (changes after information initially submitted), a $25 per form fee will apply.